Friday, November 30, 2007

You be the judge...

It is possible, my friends, that I'm losing my mind. I find myself struggling to remember big words like "milk" and "phone" these days. Large parts of my brain power seem to have been re-routed to baby-making power, and what remains is being used by the gross motor skill part of the brain, working overtime trying to keep me from falling over.

Perhaps the most frightening side-effect so far has been what I find amusing. Obviously, I still find young children and animals funny, based on the last post. Here is another example. You decide if this is actually hilarious (as my brain is telling me it is) or complete idiocy:

Here are some pictures of Charley watching the same video. He was alternating between looking mildly amused, irritated and afraid:

*footnote on the pyjamas: Aunty Nayna wondered why M & S were selling these off for 2 pounds each... I believe they are supposed to read "little tractor" but instead say "litte tractor". Perhaps "litte" is some meaningful Scandanavian word, or something...


mgn said...

As Martin once famously said to a pregnant friend "you're thinking for two now"! That cat vid was really weird and a little disturbing. Watch this instead:

Emily said...

okaaaaay, I totally discovered that video years ago.
it sticks in your brain something awful, non?

:) miss you guys.

Tabitha said...

I am actually finding "litte tractor" funnier. But the cat, while initially frightening, did make me laugh, too.

Conclusion: not crazy :).

We NEED to have a visit!